Bus service to connect Smythesdale, Smythes Creek, Haddon and Snake Valley to Delacombe Town Centre

Passengers walking with bus in background

Route C27 Smythesdale-Delacombe via Haddon (Snake Valley On-demand)

From 21 November 2022, bus route Ballarat-Snake Valley via Haddon will be transformed to connect residents to Delacombe Town Centre.

The service will be called Route C27 Smythesdale-Delacombe via Haddon (Snake Valley On-demand) and will connect Smythesdale, Smythes Creek, Haddon and Snake Valley to Delacombe Town Centre.

Route C27 will operate one AM trip from Smythesdale to Delacombe Town Centre and one PM trip from Delacombe Town Centre to Smythesdale on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Route C27 will not operate on weekends and public holidays.

Passengers can continue to travel to and from Snake Valley with a new On-demand segment on Route C27 using a phone booking service.

Snake Valley On-demand service

The On-demand segment will extend Route C27 between Smythesdale and Snake Valley, operating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only.

The On-demand service will only operate in the morning if passengers have made a prior booking.

Snake Valley passengers can book the On-demand service by calling 03 5335 5005 between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Bookings must be made by 5:00pm the night before for travel on the AM service from Snake Valley and can be cancelled by 8:30am on the day of travel. Bookings can be made up to one week in advance.

Booking for the PM travel to Snake Valley can be booked by phone prior to departure from Delacombe Town Centre or communicated to the driver when boarding the bus at any stop along the route.

Changes to ticketing fares

Route C27 and the Snake Valley On-demand service will continue to use paper tickets, which can be purchased on board.

Passengers will be able to use a daily paper ticket for valid travel on the Ballarat town network without having to pay an additional fare.

Route C27 passengers can continue their journey on to the Ballarat town network by catching Route 25 Ballarat Station – Delacombe from Delacombe Town Centre.

Route C27 and Snake Valley On-demand timetable

AM Service

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Departing Snake Valley

9:10am (if booking has been made)



Arriving at Delacombe



PM Service

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Departing Delacombe




Arriving at Snake Valley

3:07pm (if booking has been made or driver notified)