Transcript - Ninah

(upbeat music)

[On-screen text: We created a new kind of safety vest. Watch to see why]

[On-screen text: Ninah. Authorised Officer, Metro Trains]

Ninah: The kind of abuse that we'd receive on a daily basis would be, people might just drive past and yell out profanities.

Some passengers do see us as just a uniform.

[On-screen text: Ninah's story]

Ninah: I wish people knew a little bit more of where I came from and who I am. (upbeat music continues)

[On-screen text: Psychologists have proven that once you know someone you treat them with more respect]

[On-screen text: So we put Ninah's life story onto his safety vest.]

(upbeat music)

Ninah: So the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that's where I was born.

I do remember we were young and there were soldiers outside. And while we were hiding, we could hear gunshots in the next door houses, on the streets.

My parents, they knew they wanted to move to a better place.

My mom would leave with my older sister to travel to Malawi, because there was a refugee camp there.

And two years later, my dad and my siblings would have to basically travel as well and find my mother and sister.

We hitchhiked some of the way, in someone's truck, and then in a military boat.

Getting to Malawi was half of the battle. But when we finally arrived, everybody felt a sense of hope.

[On-screen text: Ninah's vest]

(upbeat music continues)

Ninah: That's so nice. It's really touching.

I think if people saw my story like it is on this vest, they'll treat me a bit better. (upbeat music continues)

When looking at it, it kind of brings back memories, and it's quite emotional. (sniffs) (gentle music)

[On-screen text: Transport workers are people too. Please respect them.]

[On-screen text:]

[On-screen text: Public Transport Victoria]

[On-screen text: Victoria State Government] 

[On-screen text: Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne]

[End of transcript]