Video transcript - Always cross railway lines at marked crossings only
Audio: low, somewhat eerie music plays throughout, alongside various train noises eg: boom gates and bells, train engine, brakes and horns.
0:00 – 0:08
Visual: Metro Train travelling along a train tracks in a metropolitan setting. Quick shots of level crossings and boom gates
Onscreen text: Trains travel in both directions. They can appear further away than they really are.
0:08 – 0:13
Visual: female walking a dog on a leash, while listening to music on headphones and scrolling/looking down at her phone as she approached a railway crossing. Suddenly she looks up and is startled.
Visual: black screen
Onscreen text: Don’t risk your life
Visual: black screen
Onscreen text: Always use a railway crossing, underpass or overpass
0:18 – 0:21
Visual: Female has stopped at level crossing as trains pass in both directions. Once both trains pass, and the gates open, she proceeds to cross with her dog. He passes a female pedestrian
0:22 – 0:23
Visual: Female and dog are seen to be walking up an overpass. Slow transition to black screen via swipe up animation
0:24 – 0:30
Visual: black screen
Onscreen text: Find out more Victorian State Government and Public Transport Victoria logos