Route 704 will go to Westall Station
From Sunday 17 May 2020, Route 704 East Clayton - Oakleigh bus services will be extended to Westall Station and renamed Oakleigh Station - Westall Station via Clayton.
The new timetable will include more than 200 extra trips a week to give passengers more choice of when to travel.
The route will also be upgraded to include weekend services for the first time, a 40-minute off-peak weekday frequency and buses running later into the evening.
In peak periods buses will continue to run every 30 minutes.
Changes to the route path required a new roundabout to be built at the intersection of Westall Road service road and Rayhur Street. This will improve access to Westall Station and allow for the safe movement of buses travelling on their return journey.
For more information about roundabout works and construction dates, visit the VicRoads website.
The new Route 704 timetable is available online and in Journey planner. To order a printed copy of a timetable, call 1800 800 007.