myki - your ticket to travel

What is myki?
myki is your ticket to travel on:
- trains, trams and buses in Melbourne
- V/Line trains between metropolitan Melbourne and Eaglehawk/Epsom, Seymour, Traralgon, Waurn Ponds and Wendouree
- Buses within Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Seymour and the Latrobe Valley.

Create an account and register your myki
You can register a new myki to an existing account or set up a new account. You can manage up to 10 mykis through one account.
You can register online, via the PTV app or call 1800 800 007 and registration is instant. You'll need your 15-digit myki number to register.
With a registered myki you can check your myki balance, top up, buy a myki, get notified when your myki is due to expire and more.

Top up your myki
Top up your myki Money and purchase a myki Pass with an online account.
You can also set up auto top up, which automatically tops up your myki with myki Money whenever it falls below your chosen minimum amount. Simply choose how much to top it up by, set the minimum threshold and you're ready to go!

View your travel history
Your myki account enables you to view your complete travel history.
You can see when you've used your myki, when you have topped up with myki money or your myki pass and see any transactions on your myki.

Report your myki as lost or stolen
If your registered myki is lost or stolen, you can notify us to ensure it is immediately blocked; preventing anyone from using it.
This also protects your myki balance so it can be transferred to your new free replacement myki.

Get a refund or reimbursement
Request a refund or reimbursement for money you've spent on your myki via your myki account.
You can cancel a myki Pass before travelling, transfer balance from an expired myki, claim money on a journey taken and more.
myki tools
Need to contact us?
Contact us online via the Submit feedback button below.
You can also call us on 1800 800 007 or visit a PTV Hub.