We’re proposing changes to routes 631 and 821

Due to the permanent closure of Old Dandenong Road between Henry Street and Kingston Road, Route 631 Southland – Waverley Gardens via Clayton & Monash University needs to be re-routed.

We are proposing to re-route Route 631 along Clayton, Bourke and Springs roads and removed permanently from Clarinda and Bunney roads and the northern part of Old Dandenong Road.

As part of the changes, the frequency of Route 631 would be boosted to every 20 minutes (currently every 30 minutes) during the AM and PM peaks, and Sunday morning services would start earlier.

Three stops on Old Dandenong Road, 10 stops on Clarinda Road and six stops on Bunney Road would have to be removed due to the changes to Route 631. Additional stops would be installed along Springs Road between Bourke and Bunney roads.

Most residents who use these stops would remain within 400 metres of a bus service while other residents would be within 800 metres of a bus service.

We are also proposing to remove Route 821 Southland – Clayton via Heatherton to reduce duplication with Route 631 and simplify travel options for passengers.

The following map shows the proposed changes to routes 631 and 821.

Map of proposed changes to bus routes 631 and 821

Download a larger version of the map. (PDF) 57 KB

Please let us know how these proposed changes may affect you by emailing community@transport.vic.gov.au or by calling 1800 800 007 by Friday 17 March 2023.