Mernda Stabling Yard Extension

Melbourne’s rail network is expanding to meet future transport needs and will require more space to park or ‘stable’ the additional trains on our network. That’s why we’re extending the Mernda Stabling Yard to keep network operations running smoothly.

Train stabling is where trains are parked when not in operation. When trains are in the facility they are cleaned, maintained, and prepared for the next day’s operations. 

Train stabling facilities are a critical part of the network, as they make it possible to provide high frequency services for passengers.

The Mernda Stabling Yard Extension project will deliver additional train stabling capacity to the network with four new stabling positions at the existing stabling yard. Creating more stabling capacity will also prepare the network for future service improvements.

Diagram of extension of the Mernda Stabling Yards


We are in the development stage for this project and are still finalising our design.

Understanding what’s important to the community in this early stage is essential so that we can design an effective solution, which meets the needs of the local community.

Once we have a final design, we will share this with the community.

Construction is expected to begin in mid to late 2025, with early site investigations commencing in 2024.

Find out more

Call our customer Service Centre on 1800 800 007 or email us at [email protected]