Timetable changes on the Albury line

Timetable changes on the Albury line
Track renewal and drainage works
The Australian Rail Track Corporation is renewing tracks and undertaking drainage works in the South Dynon area to improve safety and reliability for V/Line passenger rail services between Melbourne and Albury.
V/Line passenger trains will be replaced by coaches from first service on 6 August until 25 August to allow for the urgent works.
Between 6:00am Saturday 3 September and 6.00pm Monday 5 September, ARTC will close the Goulburn to Albury line to allow for planned maintenance and improvement works at multiple locations which cannot be completed during the previous works program.
Coaches will replace trains at these times.
Or plan your journey using Journey planner.
What’s changing on the Albury line?
From Sunday 28 August 2022, there will be a new timetable for the Albury line thanks to service benefits of the North East Line Upgrade project and the arrival of VLocity trains.
Passengers will benefit from boosted capacity on busier services, faster trains and journey time savings of between seven minutes to 27 minutes on some services.
The below services will have journey time savings and new timetables.
7:07am Southern Cross Station (SXS) to Albury daily service
- Overall journey time saving of 17 minutes.
- The service will depart SXS as per the current timetable at 7:07am.
- The service will arrive at Albury 17 minutes earlier at 10:43am (currently arrives at 11am).
6:35am Albury to SXS daily service
- Overall journey time saving of 18 minutes.
- The service will depart Albury 10 minutes later at 6:45am (currently departs at 6:35am).
- The service will arrive at SXS eight minutes earlier at 10:27am (currently arrives at 10:35am).
12:05pm SXS to Albury daily service
- Overall journey time saving of 14 minutes.
- The service will depart SXS one minute earlier at 12:04pm.
- The service will arrive at Albury 15 minutes earlier at 3:40pm (currently arrives at 3:55pm).
12:45pm Albury to SXS daily service
- Overall journey time saving of 13 minutes.
- The service will depart Albury six minutes later at 12:51pm (currently departs at 12:45pm).
- The service will arrive at SXS seven minutes earlier at 4:33pm (currently arrives at 4:40pm).
6:02pm SXS to Albury daily service
- Overall journey time saving of 27 minutes.
- The service will depart SXS as per the current timetable at 6:02pm.
- The service will arrive at Albury 27 minutes earlier at 9:38pm (currently arrives at 10:05pm).
5:20pm Albury to SXS daily service
- Overall journey time saving of eight minutes.
- The service will depart Albury eight minutes later at 5:27pm (currently departs at 5:20pm).
- The service will arrive at SXS 1 minutes earlier at 9:44pm (currently arrived at 9:45pm).
All services will operate with VLocity trains that provide a greater level of reliability and comfort and include catering facilities.
VLocity services will operate as a combination of three and six carriage trains.
Coach services will be re-coordinated to maintain and improve connections with the new train timetable.
As a result of journey time savings, the arrival and departure times at other stations along the line will change.
Passengers should check their timetable before they travel.
Check the Albury line timetable or plan ahead using Journey planner.
Changes will also be made to bus services on the Glenrowan - Wangaratta (PDF) 14 KB , Yarrawonga - Wangaratta and Wangaratta - Yarrawonga lines.