Tram stop upgrades, relocations and removals

We will be upgrading the stops at:

  • Docklands Stadium (Stop D1)
  • Spencer Street (Stop 1)
  • William Street (Stop 3)
  • Elizabeth Street (Stop 5)
  • Swanston Street (Stop 6)
  • Exhibition Street (Stop 8)

These stops will be upgraded with:

  • raised platforms, to provide level boarding for low-floor trams
  • new seating and longer shelters to protect against the elements
  • improved lighting
  • real time passenger information displays in more convenient locations.

The new platform tram stops will separate people from cars, provide more space and improve safety for tram passengers.

Examples of tram stop accessibility upgrades

Design showing upgraded Docklands Stadium (D1) tram stop featuring raised platforms for level boarding with low-floor trams, new shelters, seating, improved lighting and passenger information displays. Passengers also shown using the tram stop.

Docklands Stadium (Stop D1)

Design showing upgraded Spencer Street (Stop 1) tram stop featuring raised platforms for level boarding with low-floor trams, new shelters, seating, improved lighting and passenger information displays. Tram, pedestrians and passengers also shown using the tram stop

Spencer Street (Stop 1)

Locations of level-access tram stops

Proposed La Trobe Street tram corridor upgrade map

Download a larger version of the Proposed La Trobe Street tram corridor upgrade map (PDF) 58 KB

To improve stop spacing, service reliability, and reduce tram journey times, stops at King, Queen and Russell streets will be removed. Most of the upgraded stops will be within a three-minute walk for tram passengers.

Eastbound (towards Spring St)

Stop D1 Stadium Precinct/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop.

Stop 1 Spencer Street/La Trobe Street - Relocating and upgrading tram stop to the east of Spencer Street to service routes 30 and 35. The nearest stop for Route 86 is Stop 120 (approx. 3-min walk) on Spencer Street and the nearest accessible stop for Route 86 is Stop 1 (approx. 6-min walk) on Bourke Street.

Stop 2 King Street/La Trobe Street - Removing tram stop. Nearest stops are Stop 1 Spencer Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 2-min walk) and Stop 3 William Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 5-min walk).

Stop 3 William Street/La Trobe Street - Relocating and upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop to the east of William Street.

Stop 4 Queen Street/La Trobe Street - Removing tram stop. The nearest stops are Stop 3 William Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 3-min walk) and Stop 5 Elizabeth Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 3-min walk).

Stop 5 Elizabeth Street/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop.

Stop 6 Swanston Street/La Trobe Street – Relocating and upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop to the east of Swanston Street.

Stop 7 Russell Street/La Trobe Street - Removing tram stop. The nearest stops are Stop 6 Swanston Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 2-min walk) and Stop 8 Exhibition Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 3-min walk).

Stop 8 Exhibition Street/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop.

Westbound (towards Docklands)

Stop 8 Exhibition Street/La Trobe Street - Relocating and upgrading tram stop new level-access tram stop to the west of Exhibition Street.

Stop 6 Swanston Street/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop new level-access tram stop.

Stop 5 Elizabeth Street/La Trobe Street - Relocating and upgrading tram stop new level-access tram stop to the west of Elizabeth Street.

Stop 4 Queen Street/La Trobe Street - Removing tram stop. The nearest stops are Stop 5 Elizabeth Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 2-min walk) and Stop 3 William Street/La Trobe Street (approx. 3-min walk).

Stop 3 William Street/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop new level-access tram stop.

Stop 1 Spencer Street/La Trobe Street - Relocating and upgrading tram stop new level-access tram stop to the east of Spencer Street.

Stop D1 Stadium Precinct/La Trobe Street - Upgrading tram stop to a new level-access tram stop.

Stop 9 Update:

We have listened to the community's feedback regarding the proposed removal of Stop 9 Victoria Street/La Trobe Street. As a result, this stop will not be removed during the upcoming works in August.

We will keep the community informed and involved in future discussions regarding Stop 9, as we continue to focus on improving accessibility, passenger safety, and service reliability on the tram network. 

Bike rider and pedestrian improvements

The bike lanes along La Trobe Street will be improved in many sections for the safety of all road users by providing more consistent bicycle lane widths and adding physical kerb separators. This will improve protection for bike riders at key intersections, including King, William, Queen, Elizabeth, Russell and Exhibition streets.

We are also widening and upgrading pedestrian crossings connected to tram stops to provide better accessibility and to support increased patronage.

Parking and loading zone changes

There will be changes to on-street parking on La Trobe Street. The main changes will be between Spencer and King streets, and Russell and Exhibition streets. We’ll be prioritising retention of accessible parking in making these changes.  

Changes to existing loading zones will be required at some stops, with relocations of some loading capacity required to accommodate the new accessible tram stops.  We’ll be engaging businesses and residents impacted by these changes. 

Community information sessions and feedback

27 and 28 March 2024

We recently held two community information sessions about the La Trobe Street Tram Stop accessibility upgrades. Thank you to those who attended those sessions and to everyone who has provided us with feedback through our customer feedback channels.

There was overall support for the project which will help make the CBD tram corridor more accessible.

We note the community concern about stop spacing related to the removal of Tram Stop 9 La Trobe/Victoria streets. As a result, we have carried out further investigations about the proposed removal of this stop.

In relation to the concern expressed over the noise and road access during the works, we recently door knocked all residents in the area to gain an understanding of individual issues. Yarra Trams will follow up with further face-to-face discussions over the next few of weeks.

There will also be regular works notifications to communicate changed conditions during the works and opportunities to raise any concerns should they arise.

The first stage of construction will take place in July 2024 and the second stage in August 2024.