Media centre
Our media team works closely with the Department of Transport, Metro Trains, Yarra Trams, V/Line and the bus operators. We link journalists with the team best placed to answer their questions.
News and media articles
Read the latest news articles and media releases about Victoria’s public transport network at News and Events.
Find media releases from the Minister for Public Transport on the Premier of Victoria website.
Find public transport data and statistics, including performance monitoring data at Data and reporting.
For all general information and customer enquiries, call 1800 800 007.
PTV media team
The media team cannot help with general enquiries or complaints.
To make a general enquiry, give feedback or make a complaint, call 1800 800 007.
The following contact details are for news outlets and journalists’ use only.
For media enquiries, please call 9854 2160 or email
An out-of-hours media officer will take urgent media enquiries outside regular business hours and at weekends.
Filming and photography requests
If you want to film or take professional photos on the public transport network you must request permission. This helps us keep your crew and our passengers safe.
Find more information at the Metro Trains website, Yarra Trams website and V/Line website. For requests on the metropolitan or regional bus network, contact the relevant bus route operator. Find contact information at Operator contact details.
Student media and research enquiries
Find a list of resources for students and researchers at Student resources.