Public transport call centre

Our call-centre staff can help answer all your public transport questions. They can also help you plan your journey.
Call 1800 800 007.
We're open from 6am to midnight daily (all night Friday and Saturday).
Communication access
Our call-centre staff are trained to communicate with all our customers. This includes people with communication difficulties.
At PTV Hubs our staff can use communication tools to help communicate with you. Tools include communication boards. Find more information at PTV Hubs and Communication Access.
If you're deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to contact us. Once you contact the National Relay Service, ask to call 1800 800 007.
TTY users can also call us directly on 03 9619 2727.
Overseas customers can call us on +61 3 9662 2505.
Information in other languages
You can access public transport information in other languages by phone. Find more information at Information in other languages.