Network performance

We monitor how our train, tram and bus operators perform to make sure Victorian public transport meets your needs and expectations.

Every public transport operator that has a contract with Public Transport Victoria is monitored, including:

Reporting on performance

We regularly publish a range of operational performance and other information:

What do we monitor?

Every operator needs to meet the performance thresholds in their contact. The thresholds are:

  • Punctuality - the percentage of on-time events at specific points.
  • Reliability - the proportion of timetabled services the operator delivers.

The train and tram contracts also include requirements about removing graffiti, cleaning, handling complaints, lighting and security, and giving customers information about services, disruptions, and maps.

Metro Trains

Every financial quarter Metro Trains must:

  • deliver at least 98 per cent of the timetable
  • ensure that at least 90 per cent of trains arrive at their destination no later than four minutes and 59 seconds after the scheduled time.

Note: the Metro Trains Melbourne contract outlines a slightly different threshold arrangement than the Customer Service Charter.


Every financial quarter V/Line must:

  • deliver at least 96 per cent of scheduled train kilometres
  • ensure that at least 92 per cent of short distance trains arrive at their destination no later than five minutes and 59 seconds after the scheduled time
  • ensure that at least 92 per cent of long distance trains arrive at their destination no later than 10 minutes and 59 seconds after the scheduled time.

Yarra Trams

Every financial quarter Yarra Trams must deliver:

  • average punctuality of at least 79 per cent
  • at least 98 per cent of the timetable.

Traffic can have a big impact on trams, so tram punctuality is measured as the average performance at three of five monitoring points along each route. At each monitoring point, a tram is considered on-time where it arrives no later than four minutes and 59 seconds after and departs no earlier than 59 seconds before the timetable.

Metropolitan and regional buses

For the metropolitan bus network and those areas of the regional bus network covered by the bus tracking system (BTS), punctuality is assessed as the proportion of observations where a bus arrives no more than 4 minutes and 59 seconds late and departs no more than 59 seconds early from timing points along each route. Using the BTS, the level of service monitoring is also evaluated, identifying the proportion of services observed by the system at some point in their scheduled journey. This % services monitored figure reflects the impact of actual delivery of buses on the network along with other factors such as BTS equipment or systems failures, reference data and timetable issues, and failure of a bus to be allocated to a timetabled service. Some of these factor are not in the direct control of bus operators.

For metropolitan bus the target network levels of performance are:

  • % services on-time at timing points of 86%
  • % services monitored of 98%

In addition to the general network performance levels, new metropolitan bus contracts and larger regional bus contracts contain operational performance incentive arrangements that provide financial rewards where operators are able to improve service outcomes and abatements where service levels are not met. Levels of services kilometres provided, response to customer complaints and a range of other metrics are also reported by bus operators and monitored as part of their contractual requirements.

How we monitor operator performance


Metro and V/Line report train arrival times and cancellations with telemetry, GPS and manually recorded data. 


An automatic monitoring system sends information to a central database when a tram passes the monitoring points on its route. Yarra Trams sends this information to PTV so we can see when trams are on time, delayed or cancelled.


A bus tracking system (BTS) has been deployed across the metropolitan bus network to provide real time information to passengers and monitor the punctuality of services.

The BTS has also been deployed across the larger regional centres of the regional bus network.

For those areas of the bus network that do not have BTS coverage operators are required to record performance outcomes and submit these each month.

Enhanced Operational Performance Regime

Bonuses and penalties for our contractors are calculated under the Enhanced Operational Performance Regime.

We 'weight' disruptions based on the number of passengers using a train or tram. Weighting depends on the time, day and direction of travel. A delay on a crowded peak hour service is weighted differently to delay on a quieter off peak service.

Each month, this information is compared to the targets in our operator contracts. Operators who improve their services by more than their target receive an incentive payment. Operators who don't meet their targets pay a penalty.