Freedom of Information

You can access PTV documents by making a freedom of information (FOI) request. You can also find PTV documents and information on this website.

All information on this page reflects requirements under Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Making a freedom of information request

Under the FOI Act you have a legal right to access documents that PTV holds. There are some exemptions, listed on this page. You can also ask us to amend or remove incorrect or misleading information we hold about you.

You must make your FOI request in writing by post or email to the address given below. You must also include the statutory application fee of $32.70. If you are under financial hardship, please provide a copy of your health care or pension concession card in lieu of the application fee.

Freedom of Information Officer
PO Box 4724, Melbourne VIC 3000

Please note that staff are working remotely due to coronavirus (COVID-19). As a result, there is limited scope to respond to any requests sent by postal mail – requests and payment of the application fee should be made online through the Victorian Government's Freedom of Information website. Please select the “Department of Transport” in the agency drop down menu when making your request.

Processing requests and decision-making

Under the FOI Act, PTV must complete a request within 30 days from the date we receive a valid and clear request. This time limit only applies if your request is clear enough for us to process it and the application fee has been paid or waived.

Decisions are made by officers in line with authorisations made by the Secretary of the Department of Transport under section 26 of the FOI Act.

The FOI Act exempts some documents from release. If the document you have requested is exempt, we may not give you access to it. If only parts of the document are exempt, we may give you access to it with exempt information deleted. Exempted documents include:

  • cabinet documents
  • some internal working documents (which would be contrary to the public interest if released)
  • law enforcement documents
  • documents covered by legal professional privilege, such as legal advice
  • documents containing personal information about other people
  • documents containing information provided to PTV in confidence
  • documents containing commercial-in-confidence information provided to PTV by a business
  • documents which are covered by secrecy provisions in other legislation.

Statutory charges apply before PTV can process and release documents. All activities required to process a request incur charges. This includes photocopy, search and creating a document using technology or electronic systems.

Find more information about FOI on the Freedom of Information website.

Reviews or complaints

If you are not satisfied with the decision made about your FOI request, or the way your request is being handled, you can ask for a review or lodge a complaint. Applications for review and complaints are made to the Information Commissioner.

Find more information about FOI on the Freedom of Information website.

Public transport CCTV footage

CCTV is in place across the public transport network. It helps with a range of operational matters to keep the network running, including to keep track of safety.

You can make FOI requests for CCTV footage from the train network to the Department of Transport.

For further information regarding access to CCTV footage, please contact the Department of Transport via e-mail at

CCTV footage is kept for 30 days. It's automatically overwritten with new footage after that period.

Find more information about FOI on the Freedom of Information website.

Organisation, functions and relevant legislation

PTV is part of the Department of Transport. Our role is to manage and coordinate Victoria’s train, tram and bus services. We provide information for public transport services, fares, tickets and initiatives. We also act as an advocate for public transport users.

We make information available on our website, apps and systems like the journey planner. We publish information in print, and provide information in person, print and online at the PTV Hubs. Information is also available at stations and stops across Victoria.

Information about PTV is available in our Annual Report. This includes our organisational arrangements, objectives, functions and officers.

Find more information about legislation that is relevant to PTV at Legislation.

Categories of documents

PTV creates, receives and maintains information using a document and record management system. We use this system to classify, store, access and manage a broad range of electronic and hard copy files.

Files are organised by type and subject matter. Types of documents include:

  • manuals and handbooks
  • reports and briefings
  • corporate plan
  • contracts and agreements
  • correspondence
  • feedback
  • complaints
  • financial records and statements
  • databases
  • registers
  • statistics
  • maps and plans
  • media statements and releases
  • annual reports
  • transport operators timetable and performance indicators
  • policies
  • procedures
  • standards
  • photographs
  • images.

File categories are based on our organisational structure. Find more information in our Annual Report.

Publications, rules, policies, procedures and reports

You can access a lot of our information without the need for an FOI request.

We publish the following information and data on our website:

Information statements

PTV is part of the Department of Transport. The Department of Transport’s information statements made under Part II of the FOI Act provide information about the Department and its functions and show how the Department is making information readily available to the public.