Victorian Fares and Ticketing Manual

​The Victorian Fares and Ticketing Manual sets out the cost and conditions of travel on the public transport network within Victoria.

The Victorian Fares and Ticketing Manual is made up of several documents:

  • the Victorian Fares and Ticketing Conditions (the Conditions),
  • the Public Transport Ticketing Customer Guide, and
  • Victorian Bus Zones and Maps.

It is important that the documents are read together.

Victorian Fares and Ticketing Conditions 2024

The Conditions is a gazetted document that sets out the legal requirements and conditions for travel on public transport in Victoria.

Last updated: September 2024

Download the Victorian Fares and Ticketing Conditions 2024 - accessible version (DOCX) 5.1 MB

Public Transport Ticketing Customer Guide 2024

The Public Transport Ticketing Customer Guide provides information to complement the Conditions.

The guide provides additional information on ticketing, fares, concession, free travel and what can be taken on public transport services.

Last updated: September 2024

Download the Public Transport Ticketing Customer Guide 2024 - accessible version (DOCX) 3 MB

Victorian Bus Zones and Maps 2024

The Victorian Bus Zones and Maps describes where metropolitan bus routes cross the zone boundaries and shows route maps for regional myki buses and the zones they travel through.

Last updated: January 2024

Download the Victorian Bus Zones and Maps (PDF) 2.4 MB

An accessible version of this document will be available soon.

Victorian Regional Bus Fares Supplement

The Victorian Regional Bus Fares Supplement contains fares and ticket information for buses in regional Victoria only.

Last updated: January 2024

Download the 2024 Victorian Regional Bus Fares Supplement (PDF) 3.6 MB

If you want to know more about regional bus fares, call us on 1800 800 007.