Melbourne's new bigger, better trains

Melbourne’s new High Capacity Metro Trains (HCMT) bring a range of new features that make it easier for everyone to catch the train.

The first HCMT began operating on the Pakenham line in December 2020, providing passengers with a smoother, quieter and more comfortable journey.

The new trains will gradually enter passenger service on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines. Longer term, they will run through to Sunbury following the opening of the Metro Tunnel in 2025.

Using the new High Capacity Metro Trains

Getting on and off the new High Capacity Metro Trains is similar to other trains on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines. You can take a virtual tour of your new train on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Passenger features

Passengers will notice some new features to make travelling more comfortable, including more spaces reserved for people who use wheelchairs, mobility aids, prams and bikes.

There are also new on-board audio announcements and screens that provide more information about your journey in real-time. Other passenger features include: 

  • The door buttons are different to other trains on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines and are designed to international standards. Wait until the button turns green, then press it once to open the doors.
  • Passenger information display screens in the centre of the train provide passengers with information about the next station and show which side of the train the doors will open. 
  • Priority seats are coloured orange. These seats should be offered to passengers with special needs, including the elderly, people with a disability, or a person who is pregnant.
  • Multi use spaces are located in the middle three carriages. These areas are fitted with Velcro straps under the seats to secure wheeled items (such as prams or bicycles).
    These areas provide space for passengers travelling with large or bulky items like prams or suitcases.
  • A hearing aid loop is fitted throughout the train to assist passengers who wear hearing devices.
  • New blue assistance buttons are located next to dedicated wheelchair spaces and accessible seats.
    This connects you to the driver and can be used if you need help when it is not an emergency. In an emergency use the red button.
  • In an emergency, passengers can communicate with the driver via the red emergency button located in every doorway.

Using the trains with a wheelchair or mobility aid

Passengers who need the driver’s help to board should use the first door of the first carriage, where the main boarding ramp is. 

There are 14 allocated wheelchair spaces at each end of the train, in the first two carriages.

The HCMT has external cameras so drivers can see passengers on platforms that need help to board.

Find out how public transport is being made accessible in Victoria on our Accessibility page.

Designing the new train

The project team worked extensively with accessibility groups, passenger groups, members of the public and technical stakeholders to design Melbourne’s bigger, better train during 2017.

These groups provided more than 2,500 pieces of feedback that were considered for the final train design.

For more information about the design consultation process, visit the Department of Transport and Planning website.