Unacceptable behaviours on public transport

We want you to always feel safe when you’re travelling on Victoria’s public transport.


Unacceptable behaviours on public transport

We want you to always feel safe when you’re travelling on Victoria’s public transport.

We want you to always feel safe when you’re travelling on Victoria’s public transport. We work closely with Victoria Police to ensure a safe and secure journey for everyone.

If you experience or witness unwanted sexual and anti-social behaviours on public transport, and it makes you feel uncomfortable, then report it.

Some behaviours are unacceptable on public transport

Behaviours that make you or others feel threatened, frightened, or uncomfortable are never acceptable on public transport and should be reported to police.

Behaviours that are unacceptable on public transport and can be reported to police*

Examples of unwanted sexual behaviours include:

  • catcalling, sexual comments or gestures
  • intrusive questions or conversation of a sexual nature
  • standing too close or invading personal space
  • upskirting’ or taking photos under another person's clothing
  • pressing or rubbing against people
  • non-consensual touching
  • watching pornography in public
  • flashing/exposure of intimate body parts
  • sending or showing explicit material by phone
  • stalking
  • sexual assault.

Examples of anti-social behaviours include:

  • loud and nuisance behaviour
  • verbal abuse
  • threatening behaviour
  • harassment and intimidation
  • vandalism
  • criminal damage to public or private property.

A discreet way to report unwanted behaviour

If you witness or experience any of these behaviours, you can discreetly report them to police through STOPIT, a non-urgent, text-based notification service. Just text ‘STOPIT’ to 0499 455 455.

NOTE: STOPIT is not monitored live, so if you're in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).

Every text helps police identify and catch offenders. Police will investigate incidents reported via STOPIT, and some offenders could be charged.

Remember to save the STOPIT number to your phone in case you, or someone you know, needs it in the future.

Reporting to STOPIT is quick and easy

Read the transcript

Every text helps police identify and catch offenders

Read the transcript

Other languages

If English isn't your first language, translated instructions are available for reporting unwanted behaviours at Unwanted and anti-social behaviour on public transport | Text STOPIT to report it.

  1. العربية - Arabic
  2. دری - Dari
  3. ကညီကျိာ် - Karen
  4. ខ្មែរ - Khmer
  5. 한국어 - Korean
  6. ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - Punjabi
  7. 简体中文 - Simplified Chinese
  8. 繁體中文 - Traditional Chinese
  9. ไทย - Thai
  10. Türkçe - Turkish
  11. Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese

*The examples provided here are all types of behaviours that can be reported through the Victoria Police STOPIT service.

If you or someone you know is a victim of unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport, a detailed list of support services is available at Support and resources for sexual offences and child abuse page.


*The examples provided here are all types of behaviours that can be reported through the Victoria Police STOPIT service.

If you or someone you know is a victim of unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport, a detailed list of support services is available at Support and resources for sexual offences and child abuse page.

Other ways we’re keeping commuters safe

Find out how we’re working with Victoria Police and transport operators to keep you safe at Safety you can see - Public Transport Victoria

For more safety information visit Travelling safely - Public Transport Victoria.