myki is getting an upgrade


myki is getting an upgrade

Latest news

  • We’re improving Victoria’s public transport ticketing system to make travel easier and more convenient.
  • From early 2026, we will begin rolling out tap and go technology across our public transport network – providing passengers more ways to pay for their travel.
  • Over the coming months, new myki readers will be installed across the metropolitan train network and at V/Line stations where myki is currently available - followed by buses and trams.  
  • The installation of new readers is a critical first step in enabling contactless payments for Victorians.
  • At first, the new readers will accept myki only – so keep using your myki card or Mobile myki for now.
  • We will keep you informed of our progress, including when and where you can expect to see the new readers.
  • To shape the design of the ticketing rollout, we’re running a public trial of tap and go payments on new ticket readers for full fare passengers on local buses in Wangaratta.

Find out more about the Wangaratta bus trial

About the project

Victorians can look forward to convenient new ways to pay for public transport, including with credit and debit cards, smartphones and smartwatches.

New ticketing features will be tested, refined, and gradually rolled out from early 2026.

Since late 2023, we’ve been testing new myki infrastructure including new readers, screens and gates.

Trials commenced in 2024.

Passengers, including school children, will have the option to keep using their physical myki card when new features are introduced.

Diagram showing current payment options for myki versus future payment options, including myki, credit cards, QR codes, mobile devices, wearables, short life smart tickets and Bluetooth-based tokens

The new ticketing system is underpinned by extensive technical and customer testing, ensuring a system that works for everyone.

For passengers, there are no immediate changes to the myki system. You should continue to use your myki card, Mobile myki or V/Line tickets as normal.

Frequently asked questions

From early 2026, the Department of Transport and Public will begin rolling out tap and go technology across our public transport network – providing passengers more ways to pay for their travel.

Passengers and stakeholders are involved in the testing and trials of new features, and a comprehensive support program will help passengers adopt new ways to pay.

We don’t expect any disruptions for passengers and there are no immediate changes to the myki system. Passengers should continue to use their myki card, Mobile myki or V/Line ticket as normal.

Passengers, including school children, will have the option to keep using their physical myki card when new features are introduced.

The contractor is Conduent Victoria Ticketing System. They’ve been operating the existing myki system since 1 December 2023 while working on the new ticketing features.

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Get the PTV app

Play on with the PTV app to keep on top of service times, manage and top up your myki, plan a journey or set your favourite stops for faster access to public transport information on the go.

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Register your myki

Register your myki to protect your balance if your card is ever lost or stolen and much more.

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Auto top up

Always be ready to travel with myki auto top up. Set a minimum balance and your myki will automatically top up with the amount you choose.


myki refunds

If your travel plans have changed, and you no longer need to use your myki Money, pass, or paper ticket, you can apply for a refund.