Replace damaged or defective myki/ticket

Learn how to replace a damaged or defective myki or damaged V/Line paper ticket.

Other ticket replacement problems you can get help with (follow links for more information):

  • Manage expired or expiring soon myki
  • Report and replace a lost or stolen myki or V/Line paper ticket


Damaged or defective myki - get replacement myki

Damaged or defective myki smartcards can be replaced for free on the spot at a staffed train station within the myki boundary or PTV Hub

You can also replace your myki online or by calling us on 1800 800 007 (6am–midnight; all night Friday and Saturday).

If our equipment can’t read your damaged or defective myki, it may take extra time to transfer the remaining balance to your new myki:

  • up to 36 hours for a myki Pass
  • up to 7 days for myki Money.

We’ll still give you a new myki smartcard on the spot. If you need to travel while you wait for your old balance to be transferred to your new myki, top up with myki Money or a myki Pass.

If you’ve already bought a myki to travel, contact us to get a reimbursement of the myki fee.

Concession type changes for myki

To replace your myki online, you must be requesting the same fare concession type as your original myki.

For example: replacing a full fare myki with another full fare myki, or a student concession myki with another student concession myki, or a seniors concession myki with another seniors concession myki.

If you are no longer entitled to a concession myki, and now need to obtain a full fare myki instead, you will need to purchase a new myki with the full fare travel entitlement.

Victorian Student Pass replacements

Your Victorian Student Pass or PTV School Student ID can be replaced on the spot at the location it was issued.

Student passes and concession car

V/Line paper tickets

Damaged paper V/Line ticket - how to get it replaced

V/Line paper tickets can become invalid because of:

  • heat or water damage
  • bending, tearing, cutting or chewing
  • dirt
  • damage that exceeds normal wear and tear.

Replace your ticket at any staffed V/Line station. You’ll need to complete a V/Line Passenger Refund Application Form. For more information, visit the V/Line website.